Lose Weight: 10 Tips to Resist Temptation and Hunger

You are very greedy and you can not lose weight because you are still hungry, eat all the time and you are wondering how to resist temptation to lose weight.

This article presents a series of tips and techniques to help you control your impulses against chocolate or cravings that make you crack. These daily reflections are practical solutions that will put you on the right track of thinness.

Tip 1: Check your appetite with acupressure

Some parts of our body can be manipulated to suppress hunger. Simply put pressure on specific energy points of the body which is called acupressure. These points are stimulated when under the influence of pressure which sends a signal to control the appetite and reduce hunger.

The lobe
The most important of appetite control point is in the area near the small piece of meat that goes into the ear above the earlobe. Enter this part with your thumb and index finger and then with a constant pressure for 3 minutes.

Upper lip
Another appetite control is between the upper lip and nose. Not exactly in the center, but about a third of the way of the nose. Apply moderate pressure for about 1-3 minutes to reduce appetite.

The elbow
Another important point to reduce hunger and cravings pressure is in the crease of the elbow. This is done by bending the arm and point by pressing on the outside curve of the elbow. A pressure of 1-3 minutes when hungry will help control and prevent eating problems related to emotional reactions. acupressure to lose weight when you're greedy

Tip 2: Slowly count to 100, as soon as you feel like a gourmet

This may sound stupid, but count to 100 is a great way to avoid eating under the influence of momentum. This will give you time to think before you put something in your mouth for you to realize that you can not be hungry, you do not need to eat this chocolate bar, in short, to allow time to reason with you.

In most cases, when you are hungry, eat without even realizing it. Having this account reflection before eating something can also entertain your thoughts and make them the envy of sweets or candy before you had forgotten. By the time it reaches the number of 100, is more often than not actually hunger. Otherwise, eat something healthy, as discussed below (section 6).

Tip 3: pinch there or you want the fat disappear when you have temptations

Passing a bakery, you'll see all the cakes and sweets to offer, and you do not know how to resist them, so it seems attractive to you? Try pinching the fat or accounts of the abdomen, arms or legs to remember how much you want to limit these parts of your body.

At each location, you must set a reflection of better control. Tightening handles or sagging skin under the arms will make you think that if they bite more, suffer even more that successfully lose the pounds to delete.

Whenever you feel hungry just because you are greedy, you're right to touch or pinch the body parts that bothers him, he will give you the correct way to thinness. pinching diet when you are greedy

Tip 4: Drinking white tea to control your hunger

White tea is actually a green tea with a much shorter treatment. Slightly oxidized and is derived from buds and young leaves are much richer in nutrients so they are effective appetite suppressant. It helps suppress appetite and contains less caffeine than other teas, it also helps to reduce cholesterol.

When you have a Bono hollow, drinking white tea instead of swallowing muffins or biscuits. White tea also reduce obesity by regulating the accumulation of fat. On the other hand, has the advantage of being a powerful antioxidant to improve the body's natural defenses against free radicals.

Tip 5: Brush your teeth and tongue several times a day, if too greedy

Brushing is a way to avoid eating too greedy especially between meals. To brush your teeth after every meal systematically not only protect your teeth first, but you will have a case of conscience in more if you are faced with a temptation as candy, chips, sweet and savory, for example.

Always keep your teeth very clean, they will become less greedy, because it is possible to doubt snacks. The obstacle is, "I will not eat ca now because I just brush my teeth and do not want to ruin my fresh breath." Promote toothpaste peppermint or mint is also appetite suppressant properties.

Tip 6: Learn to snack healthy eating when you are hungry

She is a very greedy and you can not lose weight, because it is always hungry and eats all the time. If you can not change your eating habits and can not avoid snacks all the time, offer the solution for you is to choose healthy snacks and snacks without calories, that will not make you fat.

Healthy snack ideas abound and are easy to do in the office, such as nuts, seeds, cereal bars with whole grains, bananas, whole grain crackers ... When you're at home, you can eat raw vegetable sticks, cucumber with low-fat cheese or unsweetened apple. How to lose weight when you're greedy

Tip 7: Never go shopping or go shopping when you're hungry greedy

And 'well-known, the time and place in which a greedy person will be more temptations and have more tendency to break when shopping is done. Store shelves are designed with this in mind. Merchandising of a large surface reflects impulses and behavior of consumers, shelves are arranged so that you can not resist a delicious chocolate bar.

With that in mind, do not put more obstacles in the road, because the temptation will be even greater. This means that the weight loss is critical to not make purchases or stores without eating or healthy nibbled some-thing before.

If you have a little 'of hunger and push your car through the shelves, your brain does not stop sending signals to succumb to his impulses. If you buy one once a week, plan a good snack before successfully control and resist sin delicious. It is also recommended for the greedy people who want to lose weight, less frequently standing in stores, so commercial space, when possible.

Tip 8: gradually reduce sugar intake to be less greedy

Recent studies have shown that weight gain and obesity are hormonal problems caused by eating too much sugar makes the additive. Excessive consumption of sugar, the body can become resistant to insulin and leptin resistant snowball is the hormone that regulates appetite and tells the brain that it's time to stop eating because the body is full.

When the operation becomes abnormal hormone leptin, your body will not be able to send a clear signal to the brain that lead to overeating. To begin to reduce the intake of sugar, do it gradually so that the body can slowly adjust.

For example, you can start reducing third its usual sugar consumption. If you put two pieces of sugar in coffee, do not put more than one or average.

In the long run, eat less sugar will make you lose twice. On the one hand, reducing the amount that is largely responsible for the curves overweight and unsightly. In addition, they manage to regain its normal hormonal regulation of hunger and become less greedy.

Tip 9: Practice meditation to lose weight by eliminating all the greed in you

Sometimes eat all the time or forever hunger is caused by stress. You are not necessarily eager to please. In many cases, the throat is a psychological response to a stressful environment. Meditation can relieve stress and help you relax so that you become aware again of what you eat and what you eat.

You can better distinguish if you really hungry or not. Meditation can be done simply at home. Only isolated in a quiet home work corner, sit comfortably in a suit, close your eyes and breathe deeply, without thinking about anything for 10 minutes. Yoga is also an excellent practice, take lessons is the best start to relax, in order to lose weight.

Tip 10: motivate yourself with good reasons not to be greedy and do not eat all the time

The fight against our own desires can be really hard. It is often said that his worst enemy is themselves and it's true. To be successful in what you do, you must have realistic goals and a will of iron. The desire bad things can be replaced by the desire for positive things, but for this you need is really ready, both in spirit and body.

Needless to say, I should not be greedy, I have to eat this or that so deep in yourself you are not convinced by a final goal. You have to find the motivation to be a breeze for you.

Often a painful experience can be a great motivator, but you have to fight for the positive things like wanting to live longer, they want to feel more attractive and more beautiful, want to put any particular garment feels more active and less to play with their children . Find your ultimate goal. Do not try to lose weight lose weight, but just to give you a good reason to stop being greedy.

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