Coffee - Good Or Bad For Your Health?

One of our long love of life is that first cup of morning coffee. This is something that we expect, and must be the caffeine, dark, strong or not worth it.

In our search for a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle, we have eliminated a lot of things you used to enjoy, and made the switch to other healthier versions or biological. Coffee is one thing that many people do not want to give up. The arguments for and against each coffee deserves, so much depends on the person.

A part of the press is negative studies that show that coffee was associated with, among others, an increased risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and osteoporosis. Main ingredient, caffeine in coffee is a mild stimulant; for some people, but it can be addictive. Coffee may increase heart rate and blood pressure, and has been shown to cause at irregular heartbeat.

As with many things, the negative effects of coffee are more likely to become a problem with excessive consumption, avoiding several cups of coffee a day is simply good.

Some praised the occasional cup of coffee benefits the risk of gallstones and kidney stones fell, reducing the risk of developing colon cancer, reducing the risk of liver cirrhosis in heavy drinkers and a reduced risk of type II diabetes 2. Additional benefits are improved when performing more physical activity lasting strength and reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease.

Another advantage of this improvement moderate coffee consumption of cognitive function; Also Harvard Women Health said that coffee is safe for moderate coffee drinker!

Although there is a strong coffee in moderation is probably true is coffee black speech. What about cream and sugar many of us wear? Sugar is a no-no! Sugar is the food of cancer ... cancer cells love sugar! Connect the dots on that one pound of sugar the average American consumes each year and the growing epidemic of cancer ...

Learn to take coffee and it tastes like coffee. If you must have something to add sugar, a small amount of Stevia is probably the best solution, but beware, it's still a sweetener and sugar is sugar!

Next are the cream or half and half ... so many people loving what the rich creamy taste of cream in coffee. Try moving around the stage half regular and half organic half and half, and coconut milk. Although you can finally lose half environment rich in organic coffee, which is the best interest of your health in the future, to commit to get used to life without her.

Dairy is not good for you, but that's another topic for another day and another cup of strong black coffee!!

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