Lose Weight Permanently With The Paleo Diet

If you have a child, it is urgent or simply because you do not know, not how to lose weight after 40 or 50 years, There are many reasons. The Paleo diet is an effective and easy to be taken into account because it is a completely different way from how you eat. To lose weight without effort and in the long term, the program emphasizes healthy fat, low-fat, natural and organic.

1. Features of the Paleo diet: choose the food healthier and more natural for a gradual weight loss

v  The best diet is one of the Palaeolithic
This diet is based on the theory that the best diet is the one that allowed the human race to evolve rapidly in a period of prehistory, that is, foods that our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic.

v  Our genes are best suited
The Paleo diet is based on the assumption that our genes have adapted to a world where we get our food crops or food collections in our natural environment, and this is the way to make us fit and therefore thin. So, we have to eat food for our body was originally designed.

v  A more organic food
The man then not cultivate the land, it was simply hunter, collector or fisherman. What he ate was more organic in our diet today. This system not only promises a lasting weight loss but also improves our immune system and our capital health illnesses caused by chemicals and artificial ingredients in our modern dishes.

2. Description of the types of foods permitted by Paleo Diet

v  Some protein-rich foods
You can eat a lot of lean meats, fish and shellfish are foods that are high in protein which have been widely consumed by men of the Paleolithic. The food had a higher percentage of protein than fat that had the effect of favoring their fitness and maintain ideal weight.

v  The fiber-rich foods and foods low in carbohydrates
Their diet includes plenty of fruits and non-starchy vegetables that were their main intake of carbohydrates. Note that the people of the Paleolithic eating more foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates poorest of us.

v  foods low in sugar
The other advantage of these foods is their low glycemic index that allows better absorption and better digestion, avoiding excessively high sugar levels. Eating sugar is raw, and just get honey or fruit.

3. A list of foods that can be consumed during the Paleo Diet

v  Lean meats (preferably organic) such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, duck and other wildlife. We need to focus preferably parties as organs, viscera (liver) and bones (for wines)
v  fish and seafood (preferably the market rather than supermarkets)
v  The eggs (if you live near a farm to take the opportunity to eat the eggs of quality otherwise are promoting organic eggs)
v  fresh fruit and vegetables provided that they do not contain carbohydrates
v  nuts, seeds and oil
v  Sea salt and spices

4. List the foods to avoid:

v  cereals - all products containing grains such as bread, pasta, biscuits, oats
v  Vegetables - all kinds of beans, peas, peanuts and peanut products, lentils, soybeans
v  Dairy products - milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream
v  refined sugar - soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, candy and other sweets
v  Potatoes
v  Processed foods - fatty meats, prepackaged snacks, sauces and condiments
v  The rooms and all kinds of salty foods
v  The refined vegetable oils

5. How to lose weight with the Paleo diet?

A method of thinning Paleolithic helps you lose weight through three mechanisms:

v  A healthy diet
Our modern diet contains too much fat, dyes and chemicals harmful to our health devices. Thus avoiding food (cereals, dairy products, refined sugars, fatty meats, processed foods, salty ...) avoids any unnecessary fat and one exposes himself less overweight.

v  proteins often have less hunger
The Paleo diet is a diet high in protein which helps less hunger especially through the lean meats. These lean meats will help you lose weight because they stimulate the metabolism, with its thermal effects will help your body burn calories faster. In addition, a high protein diet helps your body feel full and avoid a quick return on hunger and thus reduces the tendency to eat healthier foods.

v  A nutrient balance
Large amounts of fruits and vegetables rich in starch (no) This scheme allows you to benefit from good fats. In reality, all fats are not bad, and it takes a bit 'of it for our body to produce energy and I feel very fit.

Consequently, this scheme has the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that lead to a significant loss of weight through a healthy diet. In short, you lose weight because it will increase your metabolism and burn calories faster while eating the right products for your health.

6. The Paleo diet, a progressive program that not regain weight after

The method Paleo satisfy those who want to lose weight gradually and over time. This regime has no negative effects of thinning programs expressed as a means of diet / long term passes unnecessary ingredients that gives our body a lot of nutrients that are lacking in our modern diet. With a little 'exercise, in addition to this scheme, you get better results, especially if you target an area to lose weight, especially as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips and arms.

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