No Stress: Stop Overeating

Stress inflicting you to go straight for the fridge? on every occasion you get stressed out you start overeating? If you wish to be happy and healthy; these is five tips can teach you the way to stop overeating.

1- Use the hunger scale: keep at intervals the (4-6) as much as possible; Eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are comfortable:

10) Extremely hungry, starving.
9) Ravenous, feeling weak and dizzy.
8) Very hungry, irritable, distracted.
7) Hungry, grumbling stomach.
6) Starting to feel hungry.
5) Not hungry, but comfortable.
4) Satisfied.
3) Full and slightly uncomfortable.
2) Over full and feeling bloated.
1) Stuffed, very uncomfortable.
0) Extremely stuffed, not hungry at all.

2- Eat breakfast: Eat whole foods such as fruit and unsalted nuts because they tend to contain more fiber and water.

3- Eat fiber foods all day long: get at least 25 g fiber a day. Include produce such as apples and carrots naturally high in fiber in each meal.

4- Include protein: Have a portion of lean protein such as egg whites, chunk light tuna, or skinless chicken at each meal.

5- Retrain your brain: Eating slowly ensures that satisfaction signals have time to reach the brain.

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