eating rotten food : the benefits

Problems with bloating, gas, acid reflux, constipation and diarrhoea ar a proof. Even digestion issues that appear unrelated could indicate that internal organ microorganism ar out of balance: skin issues, sleep disorders, headaches, tract infections, weight gain and powerful cravings for sugar .

About eighty fifth of the system within the gut and internal organ health affects inflammation, allergies and response reactions.
The good bacteria, bad bacteria

As you know, we have both good and bad intestinal bacteria. Good to be outnumbered by the bad 6-1. Environmental factors - pollution, chlorinated water, agricultural pesticides - can get rid of this relationship.

Eating habits can negatively affect intestinal bacteria. These habits are sugar, alcohol, or artificial sweeteners in diet drinks, diet foods and gum. Processed foods usually cause havoc in the gut and immune system by triggering inflammation.

Taking antacids, or laxatives may alter the intestinal flora, and a vicious cycle, increasing the need for the product.

The use of antibiotics is known to interfere with the environment of the intestine. This applies to antibiotics in animal products we eat, not only for prescription drugs.

So how do we solve the gut?

Eat rotten food. Fermented foods are powerful detoxifying break down and eliminate heavy metals and other toxins. Fermentation destroy pathogenic bacteria and optimizes the intestinal flora, the balance of the ratio of good and bad bacteria.

Fermented foods produce enzymes and probiotics to aid digestion and improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Fermentation can actually produce B vitamins. It also has "predigests" foods to make them easier to digest.

Fermentation can regulate the production of stomach acid, increase in production when it is too low and decreasing when it is too high. The fermentation preserves the nutrients in food and can even increase the shelf life of food and prevent loss of nutrients.

Many countries have their own fermented favorites. Here are several common fermented foods in the United States, with many more are in the world.

• The soy is fermented to make tempeh, miso, natto or.

• The cabbage is fermented to make sauerkraut and spicy kimchi, a Korean popular food.

• The milk is fermented yogurt or kefir. Stay informed that flavored versions of these products contain sugar, which seems to cancel some of the benefits.

• Kombucha is a fermented beverage containing small amounts of alcohol. Some people refuse alcohol in it as a result. However, do what you feel is in their best interest. I drank a couple of times and I indulged so it made me suspicious. I stopped drinking as a result, but that's me.

Apple cider vinegar

No list of favorable fermented foods is complete without the cider vinegar. Folklore about is immense. Old, well-worn books describe cider vinegar value, both as a preventive medicine and everyday use.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, said to be antimicrobial and antibacterial. Apple cider vinegar has been touted as beneficial to heart health, weight loss, and even the fight against cancerous tumors. Some of these claims are inconclusive at best.

A documented cider vinegar advantage, however, is its ability to reduce glucose levels in type 2 diabetics have a similar advantage among non-diabetics. Of course, this alone will not compensate loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrate diet, but suggests that apple cider vinegar could supplement a healthy diet.

Apparently, the rocks of fermentation. And my college roommate was deflected. It also allows drinking wine and fermented.

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