Duck Walk Exercise | Exercise How-to

Duck Walks is a kind of leg exercise in the community of bodyweight exercise walking but little known in the mainstream. Duck walk exercise this is a murderer leg. If you are really extreme, try to set a goal duck walk exercise all the way around a track. You can take breaks, but 400 meters from duck walks will be an absolute murderer leg.

If you are looking for a new challenge for the lower body, exercise walking bodyweight squats see Muscle Endurance Challenge 5 Minute of duck walk exercise. This is certainly a murderer.


To successfully Duck Walks Stand with feet apart. Squat down until your buttocks touch the legs. Start walking holding her buttocks as low as possible. Duck walk exercise his arms can be folded in front of you or on your side. If you're on a track or on the sidewalk, you can walk a longer distance in that position. If you are inside.

DUCK WALK EXERCISE: muscle group work

Exercise walking : Glutes (buttocks and thighs)
Muscle growth target for Reps: 30-60 seconds


Duck Walk exercise puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. For example, the regular squat, you go through a full range of motion with the muscle to muscle parts are not always so when you are shooting at different points. With Duck Walks, because you stay there, the pressure is kept constant in the same muscle fibers that causes fatigue very quickly.


When Duck Walks performance, is easy to let your ass up. Try to resist this. Keep as low as you can give a better workout price.


Duck walk exercise can and has been known to cause knee problems. If you have knee problems, do not do this. Even if you have strong knees, you should use this exercise walking in moderation. However, feel free to try it because it totally explosion legs and buttocks. The first time you try it, you may not be able to walk the next day.

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