These Are 5 Great Yoga Poses For Beginners

For a lot of people, the first thing they think about when they hear about the term "yoga," is a view of painfully looking, hard-to-do stretching. While performing yoga can be challenging from time to time, it's not quite that hard either. Actually, a lot of yoga exercises are as easy as standing straight and making your arms raise to the ceiling. And if you think about your P.E. classes, a lot of poses are assured to feel known.

Here are 5 fool-proof exercises you may do in the comfort of your home starting today. And when you feel you can start, when finishing this list, we support you to take your initial real yoga lessons.

Yoga is all about being aware of your stretching. It's about feeling your muscles and breath when posing, so even a pose as simple as Mountain Pose presents its own unique challenge. In the context of yoga, this pose involves planting down your heels six inches apart, with leg muscles firm but not tense, back shoulders aligned with the hips, and neck loose but straight.

1.      Tadasana

Yoga is developed to build your consciousness and to become stronger and more flexible. It is much about muscle sensation and body awareness while performing your exercises, Even the basic pose of yoga, Mountain Pose, will give its own unique challenges. In the big picture of yoga, the goal of the pose is to plant your feet steadily on the ground hip width apart, with your leg and upper body muscles relaxed without tension and your hips alligned with your bottom and shoulderblades, without any tension in the neck.

Performing Mountain posture is the key for all the other standing postures, and to do this properly you have to breath slow and deep, once you get the hang of this, you will enjoy this position a lot.

2.      Warrior

 The Warrior I pose is similar to the lunge position, both of your legs have to be positioned ahead of the rest of your body, pointing to the end of your yoga mat. Hold the left sole broad, with your toes pointing ahead. On inhalation, you bring your torso up, and you lift your arms up to the wall. Keep yourself in a 90-angle lunge on the right leg, reassuring that you fully engage your interior muscles.

One of the most important points in performing Warrior I correctly is keeping your thighs in a straight position, pointing ahead. An important norm is to control if they are in line with the frontage of the yoga mat - the best thing to do is to broaden your positioning a little to keep your equilibrium. You may position your soles or palms up to a wall for improving your physical consciousness.

3.      Adho Mukha Svanasana

A very known pose in the yoga world. To perform this pose, you place your hands on the front edge of your yoga mat with your hands facing downward and fingers stretched - make sure that you maintain them at half a foot ahead of the shoulders. Key is to hold the knees slightly underneath the haunches and move away from the soil during exhalation, raise the hips and reach out to the ceiling. Straighten and relax your hip area and if you are flexible enough you grab your feet or sools with your hands-intermediates still might feel to much tension in the back muscles and this is normal. Release tension in your neck and shoulders and look down with your face.

It takes some time to master downward dog, as you need a lot of flexibility and strength to perform this exercise. If you start with this position you focus on aligning the spine and holing your back straight. Put pressure on the feet to hold them down. All of this together with good breathing will make a good exercise!

4.      Tree Pose

·         Stand with your arms at your sides.
·         Weight change in the left leg and place the sole of the right foot into the left thigh, keeping your hips forward.
·         A balanced time, put your hands in front of you in prayer position, palms together.
·         On an inhale, extend arms to the shoulders, palms of hands apart and in front of the other. Stay for 30 seconds.
·         Lower and repeat on the opposite side.
·         Facilitate: Bring your right foot to the inside of his left ankle, keeping your toes on the floor for balance. As you get stronger and develop better balance, move your foot inside his left calf.

5.      Balasana

The Child position is an example of a restorative posture, it is an example to look at when you want to implement a relaxing practice in the center of your workout. This is a therapeutic posture, inspired on a fetal pose. When returning from down dog, you may slightly bend knees and lower the bottom, while lowering your torso to the ground past the knees.

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