Healthy Relationships For Good Health

Many health gurus focus on one aspect of health and call it the "key" to health. Perhaps diet, exercise, detoxification, breathing, positive, or meditation. We all agree that all these things contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but the Roseto effect may be the most important of all.

What is the Roseto effect?

A group of Italian immigrants settled in Roseto, Pennsylvania in the 1960. As they were rejected by their English and Welsh neighbors, they created an isolated community cohesion maintaining their traditional customs. The men were smoking and drinking alcohol with abandon. They are exhausting work in the quarries. Unable to give an olive oil in your country, women use butter to cook and eat food that would make a cardiologist cringe.

However, despite what you might call an "unhealthy lifestyle" that was half the rate of heart attacks than the rest of the country. In addition, they had no crime and some recipients of public assistance.

What the researchers found that the key ingredient was the community health. They feel secure in their role in the community with friendly people care at all, keep in touch with the elderly, have a stable routine and feel supported are better predictors of longevity and happiness that lower cholesterol or smokes or not. It seems that the food and adrenaline are not the only ways to nourish and stimulate the mind and body. Healthy Relationships feed people.

To add another dimension to your health plan, here are some changes you can do now.

Get unplugged. Hours or days booked when you undertake not to use the Internet at all.

Learn more face time. Communicate face to face if possible with the people you love and want to have a close relationship with. Forget the phone call. Forget email. Sit and look at each other.

Share laughter. When you have something funny or happen in your life, share.

Provide support. If you have the time or talent to share, to give to someone who will appreciate it. Start with your own family. If you are not around, check out a charity. They are always looking for volunteers.

Ask for help. Americans are so conditioned to be people with initiative and powerful that we forget to ask for help. Allow others to be there for you. Relationships are about give and take.

Dinner at a table with someone you care. How many times we eat in our office, on the road, or just in front of the TV? Stop! This is the behavior of a human being, not a human. Want to live life or just passing through?

Continual productivity rather than material success. Those who feel useful experience a greater sense of control are more resistant, and are more satisfied with their lives than those without it. This does not mean you cannot have both. This is a concentration of matter.

Share your Being. How often have we heard that the crowd is loneliness? Being social is not only about being in the presence of others. It's about sharing your authentic self. When you have seen, heard, understood and accepted, to flourish.

Part of what creates loneliness and separation is when you are not present. Stop thinking about what to say next. Stop thinking about what to do next. Stop thinking about what happened last week. I know where he is now.

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