3 Of The Best SuperFoods You Should Eat More

You heard hundreds of times already - but you really are what you eat. If you feel depressed, lethargic or grown, processed scrap switch your diet to these super amazing food. They all come with a host of benefits, ranging from the loss of fat in the development of new cells. Here is our overview of the Top 3 of Ultimate Superfoods you should incorporate into your diet.


Only 2 calories per serving, green tea is a super that can give your body a much needed boost.
It can help reduce the development of serious diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and cancer, and is filled full to bursting flavonoids - a type of antioxidant that can strengthen bones, and maintain your oral health in check.

Green tea is, of course, known for its fat  to loss properties, and has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. A refreshing cup of green tea can be enjoyed hot or cold, and has a number of health benefits. Add a slice of fresh lemon for a sour taste a little honey.


Ever wondered why Popeye was so healthy? Spinach is your answer! This super food is full of vitamins A, C, E and K.

Add in magnesium, calcium, iron, fiber and potassium, and you have one of the healthiest vegetables out there. Spinach not only taste good, but it is so easy to prepare. Besides, it's only 23 calories - either boiled or raw - 100 grams. It also contains folic acid, a vitamin that promotes the development of new cells in the body.

We have added to our list of super spinach because it is so versatile - used as part of a salad, or add it to soup or curry. The possibilities are endless! The next time you fancy a delicious nutritious food, has spinach.


If you do not get enough fresh fruit in your diet, it's time to make peace with this fabulous fruit. There is a wide range of varieties to choose from, including raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, and they are low in calories.

Full of essential nutrients your body will love berries can promote digestive health and can keep your skin and hair healthy. Especially blueberries contain compounds called anthocyanins, which have been shown to fight cancer.

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